Craft Room Cleanup Giveaway: Fall Supplies
This is what my craft room looks like right now.
Yes, I am embarrassed. Yes, I know it's a hot mess. Yes, I am aware that there is a distinct possibility that house elves have moved into that warren of chaos without my knowledge. It's time for me to get my tush in gear.
I have some small pockets of organization in the room like my shutter organizer and my fabric storage but they are buried behind a wall of clutter right now. I need to clean up, purge and make this a useable work space again.
My hoardng problem is your gain because as I sort out my craft supplies and figure out what I don't really need I am going to give them away. My plan is to fill up USPS Priority Flat Rate boxes and host giveaways here on my blog with the first one happening today.
Since it is Autumn right now I thought I would load this first box up with Fall inspired goodies. I've got lots of papers (over 100 sheets) for scrapbooking or card making in earth tone and jewel tone hues as well as a bunch of embellishments like ribbons, stickers, decorative tape, chipboard shapes, etc. Most of the items are just autumnal by color palette but there are a few specific Thanksgiving and Halloween things thrown in for good measure. Below is a sampling of what is included.
All you have to do to enter is comment on this post telling me a favorite fall memory or what you love about fall.
You can submit additional entries with separate posts doing one of the following:
- Like my page on Facebook (Post what name you liked me under)
- Follow me on Pinterest (Post what name you followed me under)
- Pin one of my posts to Pinterest (Post a link to your pin)
Only posts on my blog (not on facebook) will count as entries and you can have a maximum of five total entries.
Some Rules:
- To be eligible you must be 18 years of age or older and have a shipping address in the US (sorry, international shipping for such a heavy box is really pricey)
- Entries will close on Thursday October 25, 2012 at 12:00 Noon EST
- The winner will be chosen by a random number generator based on the posts
- I will notify the winner by email and they will have 72 hours to confirm with a valid US address
- This prize is being provided by Home and Away With Lisa from my craft room stash and I am not being compensated in any way for this giveaway

Reader Comments (18)
I liked your page on Facebook under Shannon Wenzel Cheung :)
I pinned a blog post under Shannon Wenzel Cheung :)
I followed all of your boards on PInterest under
Shannon Wenzel Cheung :)
I love Fall because I have a secret desire to pack up and move to the Moors in England so It gives me a taste of the weather I wish for. Also my hubby, daughter and my birthdays are all in the Fall so it is a great time. Also, I get two Thanksgivings (my favorite holiday, just cooking no worries) because I am from Canada. Yeah! Eat all the Turkey!
Love this idea of various craft selections and papers. My favorite thing about Fall is the getting back to regular routines. Getting things lined up for all the holidays and starting gift making for Christmas.
*whew* I thought you'd broken in and taken a picture of my currently disorganized scrap room. So glad to see others are in a bit of disarray as well. One of my most favorite fall memories...walking a part of the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina during the fall. Just typing that I can smell the wood-scented air again and feel the crisp wind on my face. I need to do that hike again...
My favorite thing about this fall is seeing you girls next month!!!!! You can save you some priorty boxes and time by just bringing them to girls weekend!!!! Love that you are doing this and can't wait to see you and be inspired by your awesome scrapbooking!
Phew so glad this is only for your USofA fans - I would want to enter but I really do not need any more scrapping stuff ..... I think I am about to be where you are with purging. Although I do not have a blog, I have contacts for giving away some of my stash. Thanks Lisa for the reminder to share and thanks for the motivation to move it.......
How generous of you to share!!! My favorite part of fall is the color. Watching the leaves change to vivid reds, organges, and yellows is always a treat. Glad to see that in all your amazing organization you have small areas that are not keeps you human.:)
Thanks for sharing with the rest of us! It's nice to see a photo of a real craft room sometimes, not the picture perfect ones! Since mine is rarely picture perfect, it makes me feel a little better!
I liked your facebook (Melissa ML Stark Hinkle) and also pinterest under MelTx
My favorite thing about fall is the changing colors. I love taking pictures in the fall!
I follow you on Pinterest under the name Theresa Sherwood.
I posted one of you blog entries on Pinterest here:
I like you on facebook under kathy maher fritz
I love fall because I love the smell in the air, the beautiful leaves on the trees, and football games!
Thanks for having the contest!
Thank you all so much for entering! I loved reading about your fall memories. Please enter again next week!
I guess here we will find each and everything required for craft creativity..Loved it.