Week in Pictures: 9.3.2012
Labor Day weekend was this past week which means the start of college football. Michigan played Alabama on Saturday in the Cowboys Classic in Dallas which meant that of course Frank and I headed down there for a few days. I had never been to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and I really enjoyed it, despite Michigan's loss.
First Row
- Wednesday evening after work Frank and I flew out to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area
- We stayed in the Sundance Square area of Ft. Worth. The area was full of Art Deco buildings and our hotel was walking distance from lots of shops and restaurants.
- On Thursday morning we headed to the Dallas Arboretum to check out the Chihuly Exhibition. The sculputures were amazing and a huge highlight of the trip for me.
Second Row
- Friday we went to Dallas to visit the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza which chronicles the assassination and legacy of President John F. Kennedy. It's an important part of American history, but it was incredibly sad to see.
- While in Texas I ate a lot of Tex-Mex food and may have enjoyed a margarita or two
- We also went to the Ft. Worth Stockyards to watch the Texas Longhorn cattle drive on Friday afternoon and enjoy some BBQ. Yum!
Third Row
- The whole purpose of our trip was to tailgate and watch the game on Saturday. With limited tailgating spaces we arrived at Cowboys Stadium over an hour before the parking lot opened so that we could make sure to grab a spot. We ended up securing enough space for four pop-up tents and had a wonderful time with about a hundred people hanging out at the tailgate. It was ridiculously hot, but a ton of fun.
- Cowboys Stadium was a really great locale and we had wonderful seats, but the game was painful to watch with Alabama handily beating Michigan
- Sunday was a laid back day spent doing a little more wandering around enjoying the architecture at Sundance Square followed by another trip to the Stockyards. I also popped into an old Fire Station that had a cool exhibit about the 150 years of history of Ft. Worth.
How was your holiday weekend? Did you do anything fun? Are you ready for fall to start?