Decorating the Front Porch for Christmas
Now that December is here I am starting to get into the Christmas spirit. I started my decorating this year with my front porch swapping out my summer accessories for more festive things.
I swapped out my multi color rug for an inexpensive solid teal rug that matches the accent trim on my house. On my accent table I placed some greens in a metal pitcher from Ikea. In front I had a little red pail that I got from the Target One Spot that I filled with pine cones. I picked up several of the red star pails a few summers back and love how versatile and festive they look.
I swapped out my pink pillows for red outdoor pillows layered with small burlap snowflake pillows I found at Target.
Just to the right of my front door I put a small Christmas tree in the planter I built this past summer along with an outdoor lantern that I used in the backyard this past summer.
It only took a few minutes but it makes me so happy and puts me in the Christmas mood when I walk up to my front door.
This weekend Frank and I are going to get a Christmas tree and hang Christmas lights on the house and I can't wait. Have you started any holiday decorating this year?

Reader Comments (5)
Your porch is so welcoming and I really like the simple touches that make up the whole elegant package. I can just see you having a mug of hot apple cider on the porch waiting for Santa. I am almost finished my decorating. I just finished up a simple Pinterest craft (must stay off there until after the holidays). Both my trees are up & decorated, my December Daily album has been started and now just the baking treats left to do. Once that baking is done, it gets given away as thank yous - I am not good at resisting my own baking ;)
How is the bathroom renovation coming along?
Hi Lisa - love the accents to your porch - so inviting! I, too, decorated on Saturday; decorated the inside of the house, put up the tree, decorated the tree, wrapped all my gifts to put under the tree (and after all that went to a Michael Buble concert). I love entering my home that displays constant reminders of Christmas. So glad it's done and I can enjoy it for the whole month. 20 more days! I am also finishing up a gift that I am making - we have started a new tradition in our home where we pick names and for the individual you picked, you need to make one homemade gift. It's been a lot of fun -- everyone is getting into it and becoming quite creative. All will be revealed on Christmas Eve. It's fun to put imagination back into Christmas! I hope you and Frank will have a first magical married Christmas. Enjoy your time together! Happy Holidays.
Mary-Lou- Thank you! I am impressed that you have almost finished your decorating since I just started! What will you be baking? The bathroom renovation is on hold a bit since football season started but I am hoping to take some time to get back at it during my winter vacation.
Veronique- Thank you! You have been so productive! The homemade gift tradition that your family had sounds wonderful. I love making and receiving handmade gifts. Happy holidays to you, too!
I love your porch! I tend to love all things classic and nature inspired when it comes to the holidays and your display meets all of those to a tee! A few years ago I decided that I had too much on my plate when it came to holiday decorating and decided to scale back and only decorate my living and dining rooms with things I absolutely love and I’ve never been happier! I look forward to decorating and certainly take down is much easier with less. I’m sure whatever your decorating plan ends up being will be lovely and your family will love it. Take care of yourself and put your and your family needs before us please! And, can’t wait to hear when your newest little man arrives!
Your porch is extremely hospitable, and I truly like the understated details that combine to create the overall exquisite look. As you wait for Santa, I can just see you enjoying a mug of hot apple cider on the porch. You have almost done decorating, which is impressive because I just got started! What will you bake? Since the football season began, the bathroom restoration has been put on hold a little bit, but I want to take some time over my winter break to resume it. When it comes to the holidays, I tend to enjoy everything traditional and nature-inspired, and your display really fits the bill! I adore the porch! When it comes to the holidays, I tend to enjoy everything traditional and nature-inspired, and your display really fits the bill! Decorating is something I enjoy doing, and taking it down is a lot simpler with less. Whatever your final design scheme is, it will undoubtedly be attractive and a hit with your family. Ensure your own well-being. You can look for home and garden decoration products at sites like eBay.