The Original State of my Master Bathroom
Since I have finally completed all the finishing touches on my bathroom I thought that I would share a little bit about where I started back when I bought the house in Fall 2007. Unfortunately, due to a hard drive crash that happened when I was in Japan I only have a few pictures from when I first bought my house and started remodeling.
The picture below on the left is of the room that I turned into my bathroom. The plaster on the walls and ceiling were crumbling and the hardwood floor was covered with a funky linoleum. I actually kind of like the pattern on the linoleum but it was cracked, dirty and in no way salvageable. There was a light fixture but no electrical outlets in the room. Judging by some remnants of plumbing sticking out of the wall and some teacup wallpaper in the adjoining closet it appeared that the room had been used as a kitchen at some point. At 10' x 10' it was a nice size room and the linoleum had kept the hardwood floor underneath in good condition.
On the right side is a picture of the old upstairs bath in my house. It was a really strange set up. In the back of the upstairs there was a 13' x 13' room and the previous owners had partitioned off 5' x 8' to make this bathroom leaving a strange L-shape space leftover that was unfinished. Very bizarre! I ended up salvaging the tub to use in the bathroom I was making in the next room over and then gutting everything else to make myself a nice sized craft room out of the whole 13' x 13' space.
It's fun to look back and see just how far my house has come. As I mentioned before when talking about my house's curb appeal, the inside of my house was downright scary. I think it would have made a really great set for a 1970s horror film. I put a lot of thought and effort into making a good floor plan and dreaming of the possibilities for the space. It feels so great to have one room in my house exactly the way I want it and all that hard work has definitely been worth it. Now I need to use this momentum to tackle another room!
If you are interested, check out the rest of my bathroom posts here: Bathroom Blog Posts

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