My back garden bed has been sadly neglected for a long time. Two years ago I bought some wine and roses weigela plants that were on clearance and planted them in the back bed. They were on clearance because they were in bad shape and I didn't do much to help nurture them so they have become scraggly and one even died.
Last summer I was so busy that I just let the bed go and I am definitely paying the price for it now. This spring the bed looked like a jungle and it was a ton of work to get it all cleaned out. To make the work a little easier on myself I cleared the bed in a few different shifts after it had rained. I like to weed when the ground is wet since it makes it easier to pull them.
After the bed was cleared I loosely tied up the weigela with some twine, spread some peat moss with fertilizer on the bed and then rototilled around the weigela. I had a minor mishap when a stone got caught in my blade. It was really jammed in there so I ended up having to use a hammer to knock it out.
With the bed cleared and the ground turned I now have a blank slate in my back garden bed to finally get to some fun. I am planning to plant my sunflowers and zinnias that I started under my grow lamp back there. I also need to do some trimming and care on the weigela plants that have been so neglected. I have a long way to go before it starts to look pretty back there but at least I am on my way.
Have you ever neglected part of your garden and then regretted it later? Do you have any overgrown areas that you needed to clear this year?